God’s Blueprint for The Family

God’s blueprint for the family


What is God’s blueprint for the family? Does God’s word outlined a clear cut strategy for raising a happy family or He left us to figure it out for ourselves?


The family is God’s idea. Man is only a custodian of that which God originated. To raise a godly/successful family in any generation, man must go back to his source. God’s word is more sure and reliable than the opinions of the experts.

God’s blueprint is his will, plan, and intention for anything he has designed. The scriptures say that the two shall become one flesh and from this oneness, they shall raise godly seeds unto the Lord.(Gen2:24, Mal2:14-16).

πŸ‘†That’s God’s blueprint.

Truth is on trial in most families, hence the decadence is evident in society. Most parents are having a hard time choosing between what is right for their kids, according to God’s word and that which is politically correct according to society’s expectations. Parenting isn’t a new technology, it is as old as the world. It is a God-given responsibility that should not be outsourced to a third party. The crisis in society is a by-product of dysfunctional families.

Are there pressures involved in parenting? Absolutely yes! Do kids just turn out right in life without objective parenting? Absolutely No!

What is objective parenting?

Objective parenting is the ability to parent children with courage, boldness, garnished with godly wisdom. Parenting isn’t for cowards or sissies. It is not bowing out to pressure from the child, especially when it involves the contest of wills.

As parent, never forget that kids come into the world as “blank slates”, on which the environment will later write on, but they are as much human in birth as any human can be. They have the ability to think, respond to their environment, etc. So you mustn’t leave the training of your kids to chance or strangers. Don’t let anxiety rob you of the pleasure of raising godly kids. The wisdom of God is supreme.

To fail in parental responsibilities has severe consequences that are unimaginable.

The scriptures recorded for us how King David(a man after God’s heart), failed in this regard.

1Kgs1:5-6MSG “At this time Adonijah, whose mother was Haggith, puffed himself up saying, β€œI’m the next king!” He made quite a splash, with chariots and riders and fifty men to run ahead of him. His father had spoiled him rotten as a child, never once reprimanding him. Besides that, he was very good-looking and the next in line after Absalom.”

In other words, David failed in his fatherly responsibility towards Adonijah. The young man grew up without any form of discipline and without understanding the law of consequence for wrong actions.

Notice it says;

1. His father had spoiled him rotten as a child.

2. Secondly, it says he never reprimanded/disciplined him once(this was a weakness in David’s character). How dare you raise a child without discipline!

3. The consequence of David’s action led to Adonijah’s rebellion- usurpation of the throne.(1Kgs1:5-53).

4. Lack of discipline/training led to Adonijah’s premature death.😭😭😭

If you are a parent or intending parent, think about this unfortunate story above.

Discipline is the soul of parenting. The scriptures say-“If you refuse to discipline your son, it proves you don’t love him; for if you love him you will be prompt to punish him.”-Pro13:24TLB It admonishes that this discipline should be inspired by love. It is corrective and not vindictive.

“Don’t fail to correct your children; discipline won’t hurt them! They won’t die if you use a stick on them! Punishment will keep them out of hell.”-Pro23:13-14TLB

“Scolding and spanking a child helps him to learn. Left to himself, he brings shame to his mother.”-Pro29:15TLB

“Discipline your son and he will give you happiness and peace of mind.”


Things to note from the above scriptures:

1. The goal of discipline is to produce godly virtue in the child.

2. The discipline is not to hurt nor harm the child. If you commit murder or inflict severe injury on your child under the guise of “discipline”, the state will come for you. You might have to spend some years behind bars if you inflict injuries on your child. Society has evolved, so let your actions be within the boundaries of common sense and moderation.

3. Be motivated by love as you administer godly discipline. The product of godly discipline should be the fruits of righteousness, if it is otherwise, then it was administered wrongly.

4. Discipline should be administered by both parents(father& mother). It isn’t a masculine responsibility.

5. Understand that correct consequences or application of discipline doesn’t necessarily change the behavior of a child. Teaching a child to make the right choices in life inspired by word-based values, will change the child’s behavior.

6. The essence of discipline is for the renewing of the mind. Humans act in a certain way, because of their thinking. If we can transform our children’s thought pattern positively, we can effect changes in their behavior.

I pray for you, that you are full of godly wisdom by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to raise godly children, in the name of Jesus Christ. Your kids grow up to be ethical leaders in the society, who will bring development in their sphere of influence.

This month you have supernatural supplies. You have more than enough to give, spend and invest.







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